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Kindness can change the world. Here’s how to unlock its power in your life.

“Be kind,” we yell at one another. Why is it so hard to live out such a simple concept? The key is to look within first. Drawing from Christian spiritual principles and deeply personal stories, The Secret Power of Kindness will help you overcome unforgiveness and division, cultivate inner qualities of kindness towards self and others, and make the world a better place – starting with you.

We live in a world that values kindness but struggles to actually be kind. Despite our “random acts of kindness” and “pay it forward” moments, we are more divided, isolated, and angry than ever.

What if kindness is more than something we do – what if it’s something we are? If we’re going to truly harness this answer to the problems in our world, we must look within to find its secret power.

The Secret Power of Kindness is a roadmap to unlocking the 10 keys of kindness – and your power to change the world – in your own heart and life. Drawing from Christian spiritual principles and vulnerable personal stories, it takes you on a deep dive into your heart to help you become a truly kind person from the inside out.

It will show you how to:

  • Recognize and overcome the common barriers to kindness and find freedom from the wounds that keep you stuck in trauma, hurt, and unforgiveness
  • Cultivate the inner qualities of kindness, such as generosity, empathy, and love, and unleash your true potential for good
  • Practice self-acceptance and love, which flows into a life of peace, joy, and compassion for others
  • Show up with more kindness in your life and make the world a better place

With each chapter dedicated to a different key of kindness, this is an easy but profound read that will shape your character and help you unlock more kindness in the world, changing your life and the lives of everyone around you.

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Greg Atkinson

Greg Atkinson is a bestselling author, speaker, pastor, coach, and consultant who has worked with churches of all sizes, including some of the largest and fastest-growing churches in the country, as well as organizations such as Josh McDowell Ministries. Greg is considered an expert in church guest experience, first impressions, hospitality, guest services, and worship.

Greg has spoken at numerous colleges, seminaries, and conferences all over North America, including teaching “Intro to Praise and Worship” at Dallas Theological Seminary from 2005 to 2007. Greg has trained several church staff teams, including full-time staff at Saddleback Church and Prestonwood Baptist Church.

Greg is a contributor to many magazines and websites, including Rick Warren’s Ministry Toolbox Newsletter,,, Outreach Magazine, Relevant Magazine, Christianity Today, Leadership Journal,, Catalyst,, Preaching Magazine,, and Leadership Network.

Greg is a coach and consultant – specializing in areas such as first impressions (also called hospitality or guest services), leadership, and the entire worship experience. Greg is a member of the Forbes Coaching Council and a Forbes featured contributor.

Greg has been a professional secret shopper for several aspects of the hospitality industry, including restaurants, hotels, and various forms of travel.

Greg is the Founder of the First Impressions Conference – the annual event featuring the leading voices for first impressions and guest services from around the world. Greg is the Co-Founder of the Social Media Church Conference and is an expert at evaluating a church’s online presence and social media.

Greg is also the Founder of Worship Impressions – a professional church secret shopper service. Greg has worked hard over the last two decades to build this consulting brand and reputation of a solid ministry to the local church. Greg specializes in church guest experience, first impressions, hospitality, worship, and production.



Praise for The Secret Power of Kindness

In the midst of our broken, polarized, and hurting world, Greg Atkinson reminds us that acts of kindness can be life-changing. Don’t wait for billionaires or politicians to improve society. You can make your world a better place, one act of kindness at a time.

Dr. Richard Blackaby
Dr. Richard Blackaby
PhD, President of Blackaby Ministries International, Experiencing God, The Ways of God

I’m all about positivity, and what I’ve noticed is that positive people tend to be kind, and I think we can all agree we need more kindness in the world. I’m glad Greg shares these ten keys to unlocking kindness in our lives so that together, we can change the world.

Jon Gordon
Jon Gordon
New York Times bestselling author and keynote speaker

Kindness is not just being nice. It’s a healing, life-changing force that flows from the Spirit of God within.

It is powerful enough to release anger and bitterness, heal divisions, forge relationships, and foster respect.

But if we want a world-wide movement of kindness, we must begin with ourselves.

The Secret Power of Kindness will help you move from kindness as a concept to a deep understanding of what kindness is and how to nurture it in your own life. By breaking down the inner attitudes and traits that help us become kind people, you will:

Kindness can change the world. Here’s how to unlock its power in your life.

Find freedom from unforgiveness, bitterness, and division

Removing the fences that we put around our heart frees us to live openly and kindly.

Kindness can change the world. Here’s how to unlock its power in your life.

Develop the character traits of a truly kind person

Cultivate more hospitality, acceptance, patience, wisdom, and love in your heart.

Kindness can change the world. Here’s how to unlock its power in your life.

Discover practical ways to show more kindness every day

Get simple ideas to show up for others and start a movement of kindness in your community.

Available at Major Retailers!



**Signed editions available only from Invite Press**

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Choose kindness today.

It’s time we stop just talking about kindness and start doing the work to truly become kind. The Secret Power of Kindness will show you how.

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