Help invite people to discover the life-changing power of learning to live more like Jesus.

Jesus came that have we may have life, and have it to the full. (John 10:10).

Following Jesus leads to life. The more we learn to live like Jesus, the better life becomes, both now and for eternity.

The abundant life is what Jesus has in mind when he invites us to become his disciples, and to go and make disciples.

Your gift to Invite Ministries becomes an invitation for people to learn to live more like Jesus.

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Your generous donation serves as a partnership with Invite Ministries to help fulfill the Great Commission.

Jesus invited us, his followers, to go and make disciples of all the nations. (Matthew 28:19)

His strategy for discipleship begins with invitation.

Andrew was the inviting disciple; he led people to Jesus, where they discovered him for themselves. Like Andrew, our goal is to create resources that help people invite one another to learn what it means to live like Jesus.

When you partner with us, you help us increase the power of the invitation to follow Jesus through our various ministries such as Invite Press, the Invite Groups app, and more.

Join with us. Together, let's restore and transform hearts, lives, and communities through the abundant life of following Jesus Christ. 

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