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Creating Space (Paperback)

Cultivating Environments for Disciples of Jesus to Thrive and Multiply

Authors: Bryan D. SimsCraig W. Robertson

SKU: 978-1-963265-33-0

Book - Paperback

Coming Soon


Product Info

The church needs passionate spiritual disciples. Here’s how to form them. With Creating Space, you're invited on a transformative journey into spiritual leadership. Discover practical tools and deep insights to help you create environments where authentic discipleship can truly flourish. Move beyond traditional, program-centered ministry and start cultivating vibrant, relational, and accountable discipleship communities that can spark spiritual renewal and growth.

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In this compelling and insightful book, Bryan and Craig address one of the most crucial yet often overlooked challenges facing the modern church—non-discipleship and the path to overcoming it. Drawing from years of experience as disciples and leaders, they offer practical wisdom for transforming churches into disciple-making communities. Alan and Debra Hirsch, founders of Forge Missional Training Network and Movement Leaders Collective.  Authors of numerous books on discipleship, theology, leadership, and organization

Alan and Debra Hirsch
founders of Forge Missional Training Network and Movement Leaders Collective.  Authors of numerous books on discipleship, theology, leadership, and organization

In this insightful book, Craig and Bryan explore the current state of the North American church, emphasizing the need for specific strategies to address its challenges. They highlight how general conversations about the church’s decline often prevent meaningful change. Drawing from historical and personal experiences, they advocate for spaces where individuals can discover their unique role in God’s plan. Through inspiring stories and reflections, the authors invite readers to shift from passive observation to active participation in God’s transformative work, empowering Passionate Spiritual Disciples to flourish and impact the world.

Romal Tune
Romal Tune
VP for Strategic Partnership at TMS Global, author of God Graffiti, Love is an Inside Job, and I Wish My Dad

Do you want to go on a fun adventure? Bryan and Craig are experienced field guides who can lead you on this journey of creating authentic spaces for dynamic disciple-making for Jesus. This book is packed with practical, field-proven, and time-tested methods for creating thriving environments for sustainable change in people's lives. I have been blessed to collaborate with Bryan and Craig for real results that actually matter. Join the revolution!

Matthew Hartsfield
Matthew Hartsfield
Lead Pastor of Bay Hope Church in Tampa Bay and author of Shouting at Jesus

I still remember the flash of wonderful discovery as our leaders began their journey into the world of spiritual leadership under the capable guidance of Bryan Sims. We learned the value of cultivating health at every level -- emotional, spiritual, corporate and personal -- and the decisions we made even in our earliest days have impacted our community dramatically. Now, Bryan and Craig have made it all so accessible in this volume and I can't recommend it highly enough. It’s more than a book. It is an invitation into the kind of community life we all long for, the kind that welcomes and advances the Kingdom of God.

Carolyn Moore
Carolyn Moore
founding pastor, Mosaic Church

For years, the local church has expended itself in the far-too-small mission of filling volunteer roles within its walls—ushers, kids ministry leaders, etc.  Craig Robertson and Bryan Sims have flipped the script and offered us the WHY and HOW to equip Jesus followers to discover their God-calling and to live it out in every area of their lives.  Imagine what could happen if the local church were to live into this Kingdom concept! --Mike Schreiner, Lead Pastor, Morning Star Church, St. Louis, MO and author of Stride: Creating a Discipleship Pathway for Your Church

Mike Schreiner
Mike Schreiner
Lead Pastor, Morning Star Church, St. Louis, MO and author of Stride: Creating a Discipleship Pathway for Your Church

For nearly 20 years, I have been a learning and experimenting practitioner of the principles and processes that Bryan and Craig masterfully write about in this very practical book. By God’s grace, I have caught glimpses of called, equipped and released passionate apprentices of Jesus and their teams running loose in our church and community. And as a result, we have gotten a front row seat at life, family, business, and yes, even community transformation.

Jorge Acevedo
Jorge Acevedo
leadership coach, writer, speaker, retired pastor and author of Everybody Needs Some Cave Time

How are people moved to a spiritual place of wonder and curiosity? Intentional space must be created for that to happen. The surroundings or conditions in which a person lives or operates directly impact the growth, healing, progress, and functioning of that person and whoever is in that person’s path. That which surrounds us makes a difference.  --Sandra Steiner Ball, Resident Bishop, Western Pennsylvania Conference, The United Methodist Church

Sandra Steiner Ball
Sandra Steiner Ball
Resident Bishop, Western Pennsylvania Conference, The United Methodist Church

Creating Space is a must-read for anyone who is passionate about disciple-making and is seeking to revitalize their church or ministry. Sims and Robertson offer a compelling vision for fostering authentic discipleship environments that ignite passion, purpose, and spiritual growth. With practical guidance and biblical wisdom, this book equips leaders to create a space beyond platforms, programs, and professionals to create a context where disciples can truly thrive and multiply. If you're ready to form disciples and see your church transformed, Creating Space is the book for you.

Rich Robinson
Rich Robinson
Co/Founder of Movement Leaders Collective and Creo and author of All Change

Creating Space: Cultivating Environments for Disciples of Jesus to Thrive and Multiply is a much-needed work especially as Christians across the world are experiencing challenging environments in which to live out their Christian faith with truthfulness and integrity. Creatively conceived and carefully written, this work will make a lasting difference in the church to the glory of Jesus Christ. I highly recommend it.

Kenneth J. Collins, Ph.D.
Kenneth J. Collins, Ph.D.
internationally recognized scholar in the field of Historical Theology and Wesley studies and author of seventeen books and scores of articles


Why the church continues to decline in almost every metric is the great contemporary dilemma of pastors and church leaders.

One thing is certain: The root cause for the lack of impact and fruitfulness of the church is a shortage of authentic disciples of Jesus.

Growth requires discipleship—not just any form of discipleship, though, but passionate discipleship.

And passion is a function of environment.

We thrive when we fit, when we have a strong sense of belonging, purpose, and shared mission in a community. When the conditions of mission align, everything changes—instead of pulling and struggling along, we are practically propelled forward.

Creating the right environment is essential if you are hoping to thrive and multiply.

When we begin to discover environments where we can dream about our contribution to the world—when we begin to see ourselves as an essential part of God’s plan—we find
passion and energy to live a deeper sense of purpose and calling. Our work becomes meaningful, and our relationships become powerful.

With Sims and Robertson as guides, discover the transformative power of discipleship environments. Creating Space offers practical guidance on how to create environments
where disciples of Jesus can truly thrive and multiply. Drawing from decades of ministry experience, the authors explore the challenges facing the modern church and provide a
compelling vision for nurturing authentic, passionate spiritual disciples who embody the love and mission of Jesus.

The book emphasizes the importance of deep listening, accountable relationships, and intentional disciple-making environments that can ignite a movement of spiritual renewal
within churches and communities.

Through biblical wisdom, powerful narratives, and actionable tools, Creating Space equips leaders and laypeople alike to shift from maintaining programs to fostering transformative relationships.